Buchecha Online: New BJJ Learning Portal Now Live
Posted by Eleanor Wright on
Buchecha Online is Now Live!
Over the weekend Marcus Almeida Buchecha announced the arrival of his new instructional website, ‘BuchechaOnline’.
Visitors to the site are able to explore content available but a subscription is required to watch the videos.
Fun Fact about Marcus Almeida - if you didn't know already - He got his nickname because of the chubby cheeks he had as a kid. "Buchecha," or rather "Bochecha" means "cheeks" in Portuguese.
The 12-time world champion offers a broad selection of technical videos for gi and nogi. The videos are organized into starting positions, with separate categories for escapes and drills. Another section titled ‘Buchecha Rolling’ includes footage of Buchecha’s own sparing sessions.
Subscriptions are offered at a monthly (£14.99/$19.99) or an annual (£144.00/$192.00) rate. However, the site is currently offering a 25% discount to celebrate the launch, available until 2nd March
If you need more persuading to sign up, check out these sample videos
Eleanor Wright
"I'm just a nerd who likes books, games and guillotines. Trying to figure things out and share my musings along the way."