BJJ News — Funny Problems

Donkey Guard -- Or Cat Guard?

Posted by Bret Gold on

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A glimpse into our creative process

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Is what we do at BJJ Problems "creative?" I'd like to think so. Is it our full time job? Nope. Each member of our team has a day job. They work 9-5 in some other-than-jiu-jitsu-related field to fund their BJJ habit. That doesn't mean that they're not constantly thinking about Jiu Jitsu. It's on their mind 24/7. In fact, that's why they're on our team. Whether it's dissecting last night's roll, or coming up with clever content for our site, they've got BJJ on the brain. Just to give you guys a little peek into how their minds work, here's...

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Rener breaks down Roo-Jitsu

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Even in the Animal Kingdom, BJJ reigns supreme. Rener Gracie Breaks Down a fight in the animal kingdom vs. two Kangaroos. One Kangaroo uses "Kang-Fu", the other uses "Roo-Jitsu." Daaaaaang. Look for this 'roo to make his debut in the UFC soon. Dana is in talks with his manager/trainer. If you don't know jiu jitsu, you don't have a chance in the animal kingdom.   The video will start queued up to the right time. Watch it!

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When a white belt submits their first blue belt

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Lunch Time Jiu Jitsu!!!

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