BJJ News — Serious Problems

I'm Your Huckleberry.

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Dealing with tough-guys If you've trained for any extended period of time, you've ran into someone who comes in, acts tough -- is actually fairly athletic -- wants to prove their self in a setting they're desperately trying to fit-in to. Whether their intentions are naive, innocent, oblivious, malicious... what-have-you, most of the time, they just want to fight. They may get paired up with someone who is less-capable. Someone with less experience might even get hurt by them. Had the instructor known that our new friend was going to spaz out or try to prove something, they would have...

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Too Cool For Warm-Ups

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We all have at least one person at our school who is just too cool for warm-ups. They stroll in late to "accidentally" miss them. They take their time getting changed from street clothes into their gi/no-gi attire. They inexplicably need to use the restroom right when warm-ups start. There's even the guy who participates in the warm ups, but half-asses their way through them. Now, don't get me wrong, there are exceptions. There's the guy who just finished the previous class and is already warm. But even in that case it would behoove them to at least participate as...

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I guess it's not butt-scooting....

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But is it worse? I honestly don't know how the ref lets this go on... let alone keeps from laughing her head off. Is she really motioning for him to re-engage? I would almost rather forfeit the fight than participate in something this silly. These are the things that need to be outlawed, not "knee reaping", etc.. I think I'd like to see who won... does anyone know of a video? [caption id="attachment_8" align="alignnone" width="413"] Is this better or worse than butt-scooting?[/caption] I mean, look at that poor guy... he doesn't know what to do. I'm all for going inverted...

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